Digital inclusion is for everyone

Access for ALL - that is what foundation board member Franziska Ryser wants. She describes how important collaboration is and shows what is needed so that we can all benefit from accessible apps.

If we had to identify a single aspect that has shaped humanity, it would be our ability to work together. Only by working together have we been able to divide up work by ability and achieve the best for the community. Only through collaboration has progress been possible at all!

This is still true today, in the digital world of the 21st century. Only when everyone can contribute according to their abilities can we give the society our all. Inclusion helps us to tackle the many social, political, economic and environmental challenges. Most of the digital world today is designed for mobile devices. Apps are becoming increasingly important for coping with everyday life and participating in social life. That’s why it’s crucial that apps are accessible right from the outset. 

As part of the present study, the 2023 Accessibility Study – Mobile Apps, the ‘Access for All’ foundation analysed 46 mobile apps in terms of their accessibility. The results show what is already working well. And they provide important insights into how access to the digital world can be made available to even more people in the future: with more expertise in development, greater awareness in the business community and binding requirements for all app providers.

Access for all – in the end, we all stand to benefit from it. Directly in fact, because we all have more skills to offer throughout course of our lives, lessening over time. And indirectly, by harnessing the potential of everyone and forming a functioning community. Let’s get it done!

About the author

Dr Franziska Ryser is a member of the foundation board of “Access for all”. She recently completed her PhD at the Rehabilitation Engineering Lab at ETH. She is also Chair of the Board of Directors of the family-owned Ryser Optik AG in St. Gallen, National Councillor and Vice-Chair of Grüne Schweiz (the Swiss Green Party).