Straight from the test laboratory

We provide ongoing coverage of the project here.

November 2023 – GUI-Elements

Mobile apps do not natively offer all the GUI elements that you might expect from HTML. Josua demonstrates some examples.

Unterschiede zwischen HTML und GUI-Elementen nativer Apps

October 2023 – Common issues

Josua points out a handful of common issues that were found in many apps in the test.

Examples are shown from the apps «SRF News», «SBB Inclusive», «ParkingPay», «Threema«, «Stadt Zürich Entsorgung + Recycling» and «Localcities».

Typische Probleme vieler Apps

September 2023 – Autocompletes

In this video, Josua shows autocompletes that are implemented without barriers and those that leave screen reader users quite literally in the dark.

Examples are shown from the apps “SBB Mobile”, “Migros”, “Microsoft Teams” and “Klapp”.


July, 2023 – ‘Echo SOS’ Demo

In this video, our tester Mo demonstrates how he navigates the ‘Echo SOS’ app.

Demo "EchoSOS"

June, 2023 – Update from the test laboratory

In this video, our tester Franco briefly explains what the study is about and what they are currently working on.

Update aus dem Testlabor